The Top Ten Andrew Yang Videos of 2019

As determined by over 350 of the Yang Gang via ranked-choice voting
In the final week of 2019, I asked the supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang (otherwise known as the Yang Gang) to let me know their favorite videos of the year with or about him, and to vote on them using likes on Twitter. The result was a list of over 30 favorite videos. I then took the top 15 from that list and asked the Yang Gang to rank them using ranked-choice voting (one of Yang's policy proposals) to best determine the top ten videos. Over 350 people voted and this ranked list is the result.
#10: The DNC Summer Meeting speech
In August, Andrew Yang gave a speech at the DNC Summer Meeting to make his case why he is the best candidate to beat Donald Trump. The reason this speech is in the top ten, aside from its content and delivery, is two-fold. First, it's because it ends with a standing ovation, and second, it's because of the reaction by Tom Perez, the chair of the Democratic National Committee.
Duration: 9 minutes 21 seconds
#9: "Hallelujah" at the Santa Monica Pier
On October 5, the Yang Gang organized a day of action across the country to express public support for Andrew Yang. In Santa Monica, a musician with a guitar (and a YouTube channel) told the group there that he hoped they would leave soon. What happened then was something those who were there will likely always remember, as will anyone who watches the video.
Duration: 2 minutes 56 seconds
#8: H3 Podcast Episode 132
In August, Andrew Yang sat down with well-known YouTubers Ethan and Hila Klein to have a long discussion that has since been watched almost two million times. It has also since resulted in a second appearance that has in two weeks been watched almost one million times.
Duration: 1 hour 28 minutes
#7: Andrew Yang interviews himself at SXSW 2019
In March, Andrew Yang sat down to be interviewed by Kevin Roose at South by Southwest. Kevin was unable to make it due to unforeseen travel issues, so Yang ended up interviewing himself. The result is an hour of pure Yang.
Duration: 54 minutes 54 seconds
#6: The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special
In April, Andrew Yang sat down with Ben Shapiro and the result is something that's since been watched over 3 million times. It's a favorite for so many because of how rare it is to see a Democrat and a Republican have a rational conversation for an hour over topics they disagree about, and in the process also find things they do agree about. Also, reading through this video's comments section on YouTube is like witnessing a live unicorn.
Duration: 1 hour 5 minutes
#5: Equal Citizens Town Hall with Lawrence Lessig
On April 7, Lawrence Lessig hosted a town hall discussion with Andrew Yang about restoring democracy in America. The entire discussion is important, but the primary reason this video breaks into the top five is because of the moment towards the end when Andrew tells the audience that the reason he is running for president isn't because he ever fantasized about becoming president. It's because he's an American and a parent, and he's unwilling to accept the future we as Americans are leaving to our kids.
Duration: 1 hour 22 minutes
#4: Iowa Democratic Party Liberty and Justice Celebration speech
On November 1, in Des Moines, Iowa, the candidates gathered to address a stadium full of excited supporters at the Liberty and Justice Celebration. The speech Andrew gave is such a Yang Gang favorite because of the punch it packs into 13 minutes, and the standing ovation it receives when it's over.
Duration: 12 minutes 50 seconds
#3: The Axe Files with David Axelrod
On December 5, Andrew Yang sat down with David Axelrod, the former Senior Advisor to President Obama, for an episode of his podcast, The Axe Files. This video actually only exists because of The Zach and Matt Show who were there in the audience to record it, and so the audio is not optimal. For the best audio, you can listen to the actual podcast. This conversation is considered to be among the best so far because of the level and breadth of questions asked and answered.
Duration: 1 hour 17 minutes
#2: "Andrew Yang Rising" by KillGreyFilms
This video is the only entry to make it into the top ten that's a fan-made compilation video, and for good reason. In under five minutes, KillGreyFilms energizes the viewer in a way few filmmakers do as well. It's a motivational juggernaut of a video that is so beloved by the Yang Gang, it's even been recently updated in "Andrew Yang Rising Redux."
Duration: 4 minutes 53 seconds
#1: The Joe Rogan Experience Episode 1245
This is the video that transformed Andrew Yang's presidential campaign. There's pre-Rogan and there's post-Rogan. Everything changed on February 12, 2019. With over 4.8 million views, this two-hour long discussion is considered by many to be the single most convincing argument for why Andrew Yang must become the 46th President of the United States. Few who take the time to watch the entire two hours walk away with the same views as when they clicked the play button, especially their views on automation and the idea of universal basic income.
(Note: Some details have evolved since this took place, like for example how the Freedom Dividend is now for every citizen over 18 instead of 18-65.)
Duration: 1 hour 52 minutes
Special Mention: Iowa Press interviews Andrew Yang
On January 3, 2020, Andrew Yang sat down for a conversation with the Iowa Press. Because this just happened in 2020, this video is ineligible for a 2019 list, but it does appear to be a new favorite of many, and a potential contender for the top ten Andrew Yang videos of 2020.
Duration: 26 minutes 52 seconds
My thanks to everyone who helped make this list by submitting links and voting on what was submitted. I'm sorry if your personal favorite didn't make it. Some of mine didn't make it either. I encourage readers to look over all 40 of the videos that this top ten list was winnowed down from, and to also simply search on YouTube for Andrew Yang and just go from there.
Special thanks to the Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity, Haroon Mokhtarzada, Steven Grimm, Floyd Marinescu, Zack Sargent, Carolyn, Larry Cohen, Jeff Lu, Aaron T Schultz, Ace Bailey, Albert Wenger, Athena Washington, Daragh Ward, Dylan J Hirsch-Shell, Joanna Zarach, Justin Walsh, Michael Tinker, Nidia D., Peter, Robert Collins, Soo Kobberstad, Tom Cooper, UBIVisuals, Victor Lau, 12550 The Zine, engageSimply - Judy Shapiro, Garry Turner, Heidi, Marc Klockow, Michael Finney, Michael Kwak, Nelly Yiptong, Peter T Knight, Thomas SV, Trevor Russell, Che Wagner, Chris Rauchle, Daniel Brockman, Danielle and Michael Texeira, David Ihnen, Elizabeth Corker, Gerald Huff, Gray Scott, Jack Canty, Jan Smole, Jess Allen, Joe Ballou, lamvee, Max Henrion, Michael Honey, Michael Hrenka, Myi Baril, Natalie Foster, Paul Godsmark, Rachel Perkins, Reid Rusonik, Toby Green, Will Ware, Bill Teng, Erin O'Neill, Sanford Redlich, Chris Heinz,, Ben Stephens, Brian Schwartz, Casey L Young, Chris Boraski, Elizabeth Balcar, Iggy C, Ivan Vazquez, Janos Abel, Jessica Wales, Justin M, Kai Wong, Kathryn Schelonka, Kev Roberts, Kirk Israel, MARK4UBI, Melissa C, Meshack Vee, Nicolas Pouillard, Oliver Bestwalter, Philip Jackson, Phuong Truong, Reid Knight, Richard Kilshaw, Roy Bahat, Stephen Starkey, Terry Wei, Thomas Welsh, Tim, Timothy P O'Connor, Valentina Petricciuolo, VilliHaukka, Walter Schaerer, Yan Xie, all my other funders for their support, and my amazing partner, Katie Smith.
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